There are a number of scientifically accepted causes of Coronary Heart Disease...but in my seems not everyone knows what they are.
There are of course the specific conditions Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis that you may have heard of, but these are a part of the problem that contributes to coronary heart disease development not an actual cause.
Learn How Your Arteries Become Blocked Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis 2 |
I was always surprised when a patient who had come into the Cardiac Investigation area would ask….."What causes that?"
They were of course responding to being told that they had Coronary Heart Disease after just undergoing a procedure to investigate their symptoms.
What are the causes of coronary heart disease?
It's a fair enough question of course, but the reason I was always surprised to hear that from patients was because I thought that there was so much awareness out there within the community regarding what causes heart disease that I incorrectly assumed everybody knew what the leading culprits were.
So, do you need to know what the causes of coronary artery disease are?
It is a large enough problem that every adult, young or old should be sufficiently concerned. Knowledge is power... and knowledge that prospers generations gets passed on and becomes time honored wisdom.
Perhaps some wisdom has been lost. Some of the factors covered below seem to indicate that we have strayed from the "path" a little too far. I regard modify-able lifestyle factors as things we can all do that don't require the involvement of high tech and expensive scientific solutions.
we all knew what we should....and shouldn't be doing with respect to
coronary artery disease....and acted on it, our community health
landscape would look radically different.
What are the causes of coronary heart disease?
Let's take a look.
Smoking and Heart Disease
Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease according to the World Health Organization and cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States.
Cigarette smoking is one of the best known and accepted causes of Coronary Heart Disease in our modern world.
Click here for more info on Smoking and Heart Disease
Heart Disease and Diet
A consistently poor diet is one of the leading causes of coronary heart disease and can negatively impact your heart disease risk profile by....
*Diabetes - type one or type two is a major risk factor on its own for developing Coronary Artery Disease.
Anything that may lead to the development of Diabetes which can be controlled by you should be avoided.
Heart Disease and Exercise
Little or no daily physical activity is one of the significant causes of coronary heart disease.
A lack of exercise....
Research has shown that people who exercise are less likely to develop heart disease.
Stress and Heart Disease
Some good scientific research indicates that...
Blood Sugar and Insulin level
Having a consistently high blood Insulin level can lead to...
Cholesterol and Heart Disease
"Too much cholesterol is one of the leading causes of coronary heart disease"
There aren't too many people around that haven't heard this's only one factor of many.
Click here for more info on Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Environmental Toxicity and Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress plays a key role in the process that leads to coronary artery narrowing and other disease processes. many scientific experts now accept the role that oxidative stress plays as one of the important causes of Coronary Heart Disease.
Your Age your Gender and Family History of Heart Disease
Around 80 percent of people who die of coronary heart disease are 65 or older. However..
Being male also increases your risk, however with respect to womens heart health
Statistically you are also at greater risk of developing coronary heart disease if you have a
Your age, gender and family history are potential causes of coronary heart disease that you cannot change, concentrate on the many factors that you can change.
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For a fresh perspective on avoiding Coronary Heart Disease
check out the info at
Refuse a Heart Attack
Preventing a heart attack web site provides information to the general public about the risks
and conditions that lead to heart attacks. It helps people become aware
that taking action now will lead to a healthier future.
Scientific research has shown that even if Heart Disease commonly arises among your relatives as a result of genetic pre-disposition YOU can turn the rogue gene off simply by ensuring your diet consists of healthy natural foods. This is VERY Good news! Download the Pdf and read about this for yourself Click here to read Greens Genes and Heart Disease in your browser, or right-click to download it. |
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