Are YOU Leaving YOUR Heart Health to Chance?

Is your Heart Health as secure as you'd like it to you need it to be?

Consider This...

  • Over 451,000 Americans die of Coronary Heart Disease every year.
  • In the United Kingdom, 101,000 deaths annually are due to Coronary Heart Disease.
  • The World Health Organization ranked Coronary Heart Disease as the leading cause of all deaths world wide in their most recently published data.
  • For approximately 50% of people who have compromised Health in the form of Coronary Heart Disease, their first symptom will be Death!

    I know that is a very sobering thought, I'm not intentionally trying to scare you...but should you really be leaving any aspect of Your Health to chance?

    can you honestly think of anything more important than Your Heart Health?

    Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number

    of different diseases.

    As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, England and Canada killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.

    Coronary Heart Disease also known as Coronary Artery Disease comprises the largest proportion of heart related diseases in most westernized nations.

    Is there Any good news?

    Well, yes... and no.

    While death rates associated with Coronary Heart Disease have been in gradual decline for a number of years in countries such as the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia - largely due to readily available advanced treatment options, rates are rising sharply in some eastern European and Asian countries.

    Have you been conditioned into thinking that getting Heart Disease is inevitable?
    Scientific research has shown that even if Heart Disease commonly arises among your relatives as a result of genetic pre-disposition YOU can turn the rogue gene off simply by ensuring your diet consists of healthy natural foods.
    This is VERY Good news!
    Download the Pdf and read about this for yourself

    Click here to read Greens Genes and Heart Disease in your browser, or right-click to download it.

    Countries that show a gradual decline
    still have a massive problem.

    Statistics show that in spite of huge advancements in treatment and management of Heart Disease, countries with declining rates of death due to this cause list Heart Disease as either their first or second leading cause of death.

    If you consider...

  • The number of people living with compromised heart health, particularly Coronary Artery Disease...
  • The negative impact this will have on their lifestyle...
  • The massive real cost burden associated with the delivery of expensive therapeutic options...
  • There is clearly no cause for complacency! and a significant health crisis still exists.

    I've been right there on the front line...

    Having spent over twenty years working in health care, fifteen in heart health delivery, I have seen a thing or two when it comes to illness and disease. For millions of people who are suffering every day living with chronic degenerative conditions, life isn't as good as it should be.

    During my time at the coal face of health care delivery I witnessed and was personally involved in many positive outcomes for many people.

    I've personally been right the middle of countless angiogram procedures and interpreted over three thousand Coronary Angiography studies - these are moving pictures of coronary arteries filled with X-ray dye - a very specific way of detecting and identifying narrowed areas in heart arteries.

    The thing is though, although these types of procedures are very important for those people who show symptoms and those people whose life could potentially be in danger without immediate intervention, the underlying causes of coronary heart disease are seldom adequately addressed.

    Lifestyle Choices.

    If like me you feel that Coronary Heart Health is worthy of your serious attention then you have come to the right place!

    Coronary Artery Disease is a disease of lifestyle in those individuals that are genetically predisposed. Try to keep your focus firmly on lifestyle choices and keeping healthy.

    An acquired disease process like Coronary Artery Disease usually develops over a lifetime. A disease process that has multiple lifestyle factors as its root cause can potentially be reversed and certainly its progress slowed by addressing the factors that initiated the process in the first place.

    A big component of true freedom is being healthy and free from a disease process that chains you to a less than optimal lifestyle, a disease that threatens your very existence and the future of those that are relying on you for their future

    These days there is a lot of focus on financial success in life. The potential freedom this can bring is very attractive....but

  • How much can you really enjoy something when you are chronically ill?
  • Can you really sit back and be totally satisfied with your life achievements if you are experiencing ill health?
  • Are you really doing all you can to ensure that your Heart Health is secure?

  • Young people also at risk

    Compromised Heart Health is not just a condition that strikes older people either. Like so many disease processes that used to be the sole domain of people in more senior years, Coronary Heart Disease is making a play for people much younger than you'd expect.

    I have personally seen teenagers and people in their twenties coming into the Cardiac Investigation area for an Angiogram - a test that obtains moving pictures of heart arteries. In many of the cases I recall, abnormalities were detected in their coronary arteries.

    You don't have to become a statistic!

    Regardless of whether you feel completely well or you're currently a heart patient under the care of a physician, let me throw some light on the subject of Coronary Heart Health for you.

    I'll be discussing causes, symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and prevention and reversal strategies throughout this website - all through the eyes of a trained health professional.

    I'd Like to hear your perspective on Heart Health and so would all my site visitors. Share Your healthy heart Stories Here!

    Maintaining your Coronary Heart Health is vital in helping you to achieve your true potential no matter what stage of life you are at.

    I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy the site as you learn about your Heart Health.

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